The best news you've heard on healthcare
The health care debate rages on. The left seems to have elevated the concept of health care to a right rather than a responsibility, a huge jump in American governmental philosophy. Perhaps they are right on the issue, but the ensuing implementation of health care by the federal government is going to be what I like to call
Here's the issue with Americans, we always want something for nothing. The house wants to impose a 5.4% tax on the wealthy to pay the billions that are needed to raise money to implement this system. So long as the majority of citizens aren't paying for it, they don't mind taxing the minority. This is what we call de facto wealth redistribution for a socialized health care system. Those words should scare constitutionalists.
So easy access to health care for all eh? Let’s toss out the issues of implementation and constitutionalism. Those arguments are so last week anyhow. Let's look at the question at hand.
Is there free health care available for every American on demand?
By God there is! Great news! No need to inflate the deficit anymore this year Obama. No trillion dollar plan is needed. I've got your health care solution and its right under your nose.
Every American can get free healthcare by enlisting in the
That means for a good 24 years, every citizens eligible for service, which these days is darn near universal, is entitled to free health care through military service. This also includes insurance for your children.
The issue today isn't the question of access to health care, the military is more than happy to provide it to American's willing to defend their country. The question is, are American's universally willing to work to those ends?
My guess? They aren't.
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