Back to school... back to school...
So DSS is going back into session this fall starting August 24th. Ahhh back to the grind.
Much has changed since the summer recess. A few DSSers got married, some got engaged, and im sure some have had their hearts broken. Summer lovin, it happens so fast...
Anyhow, it seems as though the international community did not take a "summer break." Many strategically significant events have taken place, leaving students of defense and strategy with much to think about. (I'm sure as I write this that Walt is daydreaming about a victorious confrontation with the PRC over Taiwan)
So what will be the hot button issues for DSS this semester? What will guide the thesis options for students. Just as an aside, when I wrote the word thesis, a little part of me died.)
Will it be...
Burma's nascent nuclear program?
The successes and failures of Afghanistan and Iraq?
The significance of the shift in ballistic missile defense?
The volatile situation in Honduras?
The status of Dr. Thayer takeover of the Swedish riksdag?
Feel free to comment on what issues will guide the discussion.
Now off to buy some books...
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